GUCR - 5 Days to go
I forget that there is a limit on the amount of pain killers you are allowed to buy in the supermarket. 2 boxes max. I hope that will be enough. I've got all sorts of creams and sprays too. It's going to hurt anyway.
I've just started packing a bag for the weekend for Ben to take up to Brum in his car. The contents quickly became too big for the bag and are now housed in a very large plastic box. Within are about 30 chocholate bars, milkshake, bombay mix (high cal), energy gels and powders, drugs, plasters, jaffa cakes and binoculars. Still only half way to filling it.
It's dawned on me now that this is my next race. I've always had something to do between now and then and now there is nothing. This is the next thing I will run. I'd like to say it's not affecting me too much but I think it is. The feelings have changed from the stupidity of it to the practicality of it. It's been great talking to people about what I'm going to do at the end of may, but now I'm having to talk about how.
And I really don't know. It's funny how you can go from feeling quite relaxed and prepared about something as I was a few weeks ago to all of a sudden feeling really underprepared. It's rare that I feel like this nowadays and when I do I just reference some point in the past where I felt the same before a race and ended up doing fine, such as the Athens marathon, gatcliff 50k or the Jurrassic Coast day 3. This one is a bit different though. it's a bit longer.
Still on my mind a lot is staying awake. I've felt so lethargic recently, probably a result of schoolwork and coffee. I hope to get that all out of the way soon and have thursday and friday to relax and sleep more. I'm worried about the food, I don't have much practice at eating as I tend not to need much food during the races that I've done. The Thames Meander I didn't eat anything solid and felt ok. I am pretty confident that I can eat anything though.
I didn't really give due respect to how my support crew will do this. I am so grateful that they are coming along however I've just not been thinking about them much. I figured let them worry about the logistics and I'll do the running. Not really fair as this is my race.
I'm also worried that I won't finish.